Sunday, May 23, 2010

La Sportiva Miura Or Katana

Was sind Kluster?

In general: several consonants in a syllable without a vowel in between are called clusters or double consonants.

In German, for example, "horse" two clusters are: "pf" and "rd". There are also 3-fold clusters: in "stocking" are "str" and "MPF" cluster of 3 Kononanten. And in "You cursed" is "mpfst" even a 5-cluster (the "sh", however, is not a cluster, but a Trigraph, as only one sound).

are in Thai it is not as complicated cluster da gibt es nur Cluster mit 2 Konsonanten, und dann auch nur am Silbenanfang.

Z.B. in Thai in กรอบ, กล้วย, ครับ, เปล่า sind jeweils กร, กล, คร, ปล echte Cluster.

Die Thai sprechen üblicherweise nur bestimmte Konsonatenpaare als Cluster:
Die üblichen 15 Paare sind: กร, กล, กว, ขร, ขล, ขว, คร, คล, คว, ตร, ปร, ป ล, พร, พล, ผล
One can clearly see that clusters are always connections between ก ข ค ต ป ผ พ either ร ล ว or are.
The list is not complete. Sometimes even บร real cluster (for import words from English).
ibt Then there were the combinations with , eg ก ฤ, ค ฤ, ต ฤ, พ ฤ, บ ฤ, ป ฤ .
In old books, which write and ฃ ฅ , then dive at least once on ฃ ว ฅ ว and . There are also combinations
called clusters, where the first consonant, a consonant High or Middle, and the second is a deeper consonant group II (ie ง ญ ณ น ม ย ร ฤ ล ว ฦ ฬ ) is. For example, in ส วัส, ตลาด, สนุก, ขนม would be the สว, ต ล, สน, ขน "pseudo-clusters" or "bad clusters" (the terms are sometimes used, unfortunately, for other double consonants). They are not eigendlich cluster, because since when speaking an "a" pure slips. Read more vowels inserted in the article "When A when O . In contrast, in สบาย and ทหาร the สบ, ท ห a cluster, not even a "Bad Clusters", although you see Pseudoklustern very similar, but not the Kluster - follow rules. This definition is useful for determining the tone: a cluster (Whether real or pseudo), the rule by the leading consonants, ie the first consonant of the cluster sets the tone for the whole syllable .
The first syllable is pronounced in reading, as if a so a short "a" in the syllable. In Thai language textbooks in the following syllable taicht but therefore a "h" prefix with.

looks in practice this like this:

ถนน is as กะ - is ห น น
สมุด as สะ - มุด
ขนม is as ขะ - is นม
อร่าม as อะ - ร่า ม ห

Not applicable, this would be if this is the 2nd consonant of the following: ค ฅ ฆ ช ซ ฌ ฑ ฒ ท ธ พ ฟ ฮ and (all Anfangskonsonaten the low class)

See also learning Thai script - emphasis on rules, exceptions. * This post is not yet to are available *

Then there were the special combinations สร, ศร and ทร , all of which are spoken as / s /, eg ทราย "sa: i-" (= sand). They are no clusters, but Bigraphen (similar to the German "sch" is a Trigraph). In Thai are the favorite playing of the "spurious clusters. The same applies to the จร in จริง .
There are always combinations of จ ซ ท ศ ส ร the consonant. So

จร - Real
left A - Asrng
torture - evil
arrow - sad
create - create

In seltenen Fällen können auch Doppelkonsonanten am Silbenende auftauchen (könnte man "doppelter Endkonsonant" nennen). Beispiele:
Church - djak \\. = Rad
possesses - gô: p \\ = v. bestehen aus ..., enthalten, beinhalten, besitzen
Amarc - mak8. = n. pali. Pfad, Weg
Da wird dann nur ein Konsonant gesprochen. Richtige Cluster sind das also auch nicht. "Echte Cluster" gibts nur am Silbenanfang.


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