Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good Dinner In Bangalore

construction roof windows and PIC FO-Side-Side - UPDATE

the cockpit of the B737 are two small 'roof window, through which a look up is enabled into the open.

Here on the The green image 'Skylight', which to shape it and insert it into the cockpit frame.

as the material I had bought at the hardware store a 80mm thick rigid foam insulation panel . From this I would like to create the four window frame. Serve as a tool knife, saw, file and sandpaper ...

First, the mass of the roof had to be removed and transferred to disk. Red of the outer frame. This green marked the outer perimeter of the window with the smaller frame as inner contours of this conical part must now work out from the block ...
After about an hour of work to get the blank shape. This must now be filled and sanded. An appropriate filler is in test mode, it shall be binding but with the slightly porous surface of the foam board. Later, the window is then fitted into the frame and finally painted in RAL 7011th So I imagine this, anyway. Flap's not, a different solution to the moth ago: Do not go - there's not ...

continuation of 14 September 2009

And it worked ...
I have now cut all four windows from the rigid plastic sheet. What kind of work. To date, the most expensive and arduous work for me, which I have done in my home cockpit. All millimeter work. Given the delicate material. In places, the frames are only 5mm thick. Since it takes a lot of patience and perseverance in working, so no error cuts. Such ... and ... all would have been umsont. Pro window, I finally spent about 2 hours. After the frames are primed and sanded and sanded again und gespachtelt wurden, habe ich diese mit einer hellen Deckfarbe grundiert. Hier liegt die Tagesausbeute nach der Endverspachtelung zum Trocknen an der Sonne...

Einer meiner kostbaren Stücke von hinten gesehen: Hier ist der eigentliche Rahmen erkennbar, welcher dann über der Frontscheibe in die Tragkonstruktion passgenau 'eingesteckt' wird.  
Die Grundierung wurde aufgebracht. Morgen werden die Rahmen dann mit der Farbe RAL 7011 bemalt und am Schluss lackiert. Die Duplikate kommen den Originalteilen recht nahe. Vieleicht bekomme ich ja von BOEING künftig einen Zulieferauftrag...
Detailaufnahme der aufwändig ausgeschnittenen Ecken: Wieder einmal ist Nicht im rechten Winkel. Alles schräg und verdreht. Deshalb eine der grössten Herausforderung am laufenden Projekt.

Bin gespannt, wie die Fenster dann nach dem Endausbau ausschauen... Cooool... 


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