Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday Sayings For 3rd Invitation Sayings

recipe spring shower gel

You need:
- 160 g of wheat grass juice
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
- a little d-panthenol
- a little xanthan
- 20 g alcohol mind.70% solution (preservative) + 30 Tr. ÄÖ lime
- 20 g Facetensid

Here we go:
all ingredients in the order mix, done!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Do Bari Jay Dresses Run Small?

What will win you?

Hello my friends!

Soon it is as far as 250 regular readers! I would then align your a Blog Candy, and would already know what to nice touch for you? Soap, bombs, bath salts, shower gel, lipstick, lip gloss, bath balls, face cream, Abschminkmilch, swimming soap, shower scrub, salt scrub, shea / coconut cream, face lotion, face wash gel, Dudu-Osun soap, gave birth to Massa, bath melts, bath candy, shampoo, Shampoobar, solid mud, bath oil, body powder, or ....?
I'm looking forward to your comments!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is It Okay To Eat Old Chicken Broth

pink lips must kiss man


the recipe for pink lipstick:

You need:

- 1 g beeswax
- 0.5 g jojoba
- 0.5 g of carnauba wax and candelilla (. Possibly without carnauba wax if it is to be softer)

- 2 g of castor oil
- per 1 g: pomegranate seed oil and Camelliaöl

- ½ -1 teaspoon pink mineral pigment, dissolved in 2 g of castor oil
- a little vitamin E
- a little d-panthenol
- a little Squalane

scented with a few drops of honey absolue (or food flavoring as desired)

Here we go:
A melt.
B, add, stir, then add all remaining ingredients.
Still warm in cool water and let the lipstick tubes. Done!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Can I Buy Heart Boxers

Steampunk Abzeichen

yeah, after a long long time, there finally being a contribution on "Steam Punk". I want to show you how I made a steampunk term badge.
First I have to work the embroidery machine and embroidered
your subject to a residual wool.

Then carefully cut out, leave a border of wool ...

... frayed edge of the protruding strong.

Beautiful Fusselfransen: I)

On the back of the badge then I ironed fusible web,

... the backing removed and the whole thing on a piece of Nitrogen ironed.
By the way, the stuff of my jacket Steampunk is.

The knitted fabric edge was a bit frayed. Now I only have the brooch pins
be sutured and you have a variable action using steam supply.

tip for all who do not have embroidery machine: Copy the desired image to print and iron on transfer film on fabric. Great shots (and this embroidery) can be found at Urban Threads.


Required Muscle Percentage


Vielleicht habt Ihr mitbekommen, dass das Diskettenlaufwerk meiner Stickmaschine gezickt hat. Nun surrt es glücklicherweise ja wieder und ich hoffe, das hält noch eine Weile an...
Zu Besuch bei Urban Thread , musste ich heute dann breit grinsen- da gibt es nämlich bis zum  27.02. noch folgendes Freebie
  Ich denke, das Motiv lasse ich mein Maschinchen dann mal für sich selber sticken ;)


Opalescence Whitening Expiration


... ist es draußen nicht- aber hier tummeln sich "grüne Botschaften".
Die Tasche ist ein "Tütenmüllvermeidungsbeutel" aus Baumwolldekostoff in frischen Grüntönen, gefüttert mit schwarzem Leinen. Perfekt für den Gang zur Bücherei, kleine Einkäufe etc.. Er ist ein Geschenk für jemanden, von dem ich weiß, dass er so richtiges Knallgrün mag - und schwarz ;)


Brother Printer 490cw Offline


Wenn es draußen klirrend kalt ist, ist es drinnen more comfortable ...


Monday, February 21, 2011

Beads To Fit Troll Bracelet

Armrest FO-Side

On the weekend I modifziert the left arm rest on FO-based and subjected to a 737 finish: In the picture the cut arm rest. It identified the white-bearing core of hard plastic. The right front axle for mounting bolts. The foam-rubber-like filler, and the black jacket made of gray plastic could be easily removed.

from spruce wood, a new contact surface was milled (80x428x15mm). Corners and edges rounded. Including a 4mm thick white Fliess as padding with cut corners zur Einfassung. Unter dem Fliess schwarzes Kunstleder (hier ist die Rückseite zu sehen) mit 40mm Überhang auf allen Seiten zur Einfassung.

Die fertige Armstütze von der Seite: Oben die Auflage mit Polsterung aus schwarzem Kunstleder. Darunter eine4mm dicke graue Abdeckplatte.  Diese ist wiederum fest mit dem schwarz gespritzen Traggestell verschraubt

right the left arm rest on the FO-seat. These can be folded up (as in original). This is recommended primarily for Takeoff and Approach, so that free access to the Throttle is guaranteed. In cruise flight, the arm can then be placed on demand comfortably on the armrest folded down.

Leopard Gecko Crusty Abscess

soap recipe "Creme de Cafe recipe

belongings once again made new Seifchen ( floating soap ) ... with coffee, and caffeine and guarana .... ohhh, I need coffee to be properly monitored, the weather sucks and makes me soooo tired .....
So, the recipe:
soap coffee:
- 200 g coconut oil
- 100 g coffee butter
- 100 g mango butter
- 200 g sunflower oil
- 10% NaOH overgreasing
- least. Water
- 3 tablespoons coffee (soluble)
- 2 tablespoons Guarana
- 2 tbsp caffeine
- Grocery Aroma Coffee

recipe "froth"
- 100 g coconut oil
- 100 g almond oil
- 10% NaOH overgreasing

- distilled water
- food flavoring and vanilla milk

recipe "chocolate sauce"
- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter
- a little Mulsifan
- a little guarana
- Grocery Aroma Coffee
- Cocoa powder

decorated with coffee beans.

(pictures as always bad ... sorry ...)

Busted Capillaries In Breast


I wish you a great start to the week!
Today there is a detail photo of a beautiful bouquet, which is in my living room. If it is not out yet is green, a touch of spring indoors doing just fine ... And buttercups are always magical (even if I by name always has to smile and word similarity to "boils" simply does not get out of my head). There
Nähbilder unfortunately no new-I've tinkered a cozy hat, already worn, but still is not scanned.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bollywood Actresses Full Without Clothes

soap fruit bomb strawberry and vanilla ice cream recipe

Hello my friends!
Here is a recipe for soap that smells wonderfully of fresh fruit:
You need:
base soap:
- 200 g of coconut oil

- 100 g Babassuöl
- 100 g Kakaobutter
- 100 g Sonnenblumenöl

- 100 g Olivenöl

- NaOH ÜF  11 %
- Pfirsichwasser
- je 10 ml Lebensmittelaroma: Brombeer, Quitte, Mango

Rezept Seife "rosa"
- 100 g Kokosöl
- 100 g Sheabutter
- 100 g Macadamianussöl


- NaOH ÜF  12%
- Johannisbeerwasser
- Mineralpigment rosa
- 20 ml Lebensmittelaroma Erdbeer

Rezept "Sahne" ( Schwimmseife)
- 50 g Kokosöl
- 50 g Mandelöl
- NaOH ÜF 10%
- Zitronenwasser

- 10 ml Lebensmittelaroma Banane

Die Seife wird kalt gerührt.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Heavy Period 2 Days Then Stopped


the recipe for strawberry-vanilla ice (floating soap):

base soap "strawberry":
- 500 g coconut oil

- 100 g: Macadamia nut oil, rice oil, grape seed oil
- 50 g: stearin, mango butter, avocado butter, sesame oil
- NaOH BB 10%
- strawberry water 2x more like NaOH
- Mineral pigment pink
- 30 ml of food flavoring Strawberry

Topping "vanilla"

- 100 g coconut oil
- per 25 g: babassu oil, walnut oil, aloe vera oil, hazelnut oil
- NaOH BB 10%
- Bourbon vanilla infusion 2x more as NaOH
- 10 ml vanilla food flavoring
- 20 Tr. absolue vanilla


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hard Stomach, Peeing A Lot?

recipe coconut cream / coconut mousse / coconut Whipped Lip Scrub super delicious recipe

I have coconut cream stirred.

The Recipe:
- 50 g butter AloeVera
- 10 g: vanilla oil, papaya oil, cranberry oil, raspberry oil, tea seed oil (= Camelliaöl)
- scented with a little vanilla and a absolue absolue little honey

such as shea cream is made .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rubber Cement Cervical Mucus Pregnant

delicious fruity Lip Scrub complacent? Then I got a super tasty recipe for euch :

Man braucht:
- 1 EL Zucker
- ein wenig Vanille öl ( Mazerat in Mandel ö l)
- ein wenig Kosmetikpigment
- je 2 Tr. Lebensmittelaroma : Erdbeer, Quitte, Banane , Honigmelone

Los geht's:
Alle Zutaten gut vermischen, fertig !


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pro Metal Core Wheels

Aloe Almond

Zuerst wünsche ich euch  einen schönen Valentinstag!

Das Rezept für Mandel-Aloe Vera Seife :

Man braucht :
- 500 g Aloe Vera Butter
- 200 g Mandelöl
- je 100 ml: Mädesüßöl ( Mazerat in Walnussöl), Birkenblätteröl ( Mazerat in Mandelöl), Brombeerblätteröl ( Mazerat in Mandelöl)
- -----
- 350 g Weidenhydrolat
- NaOH Üf 10% ( bitte selber nachrechnen !)
- ein wenig PÖoder ÄÖ

The soap is stirred cold .


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Uncensored Brent Corrigan Free Movies

Tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg prolonged

Active ingredients: tilidine hemihydrate and naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate

first What is tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg and what is it used?
Tilidin mg-ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 a combination of a potent pain reliever from the group of opioids and opioid antagonists.

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg is used to
  • treat severe and very severe pain.

second You take mg before taking tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16?

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg Do not take
  • If you are hypersensitive (allergic) mg compared tilidine-Hemidrat, naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate or any of the other ingredients of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16
  • are for drug addiction of opiates (heroin, morphine) or opioids because of the danger immediately occurring withdrawal symptoms
  • of children and adolescents under 18 years
With other addictions (eg drug or alcohol addiction), you should not take tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg. Consult your doctor for this. This also applies if you suffer once in a dependence disorder.

In severe liver dysfunction (Eg severe liver cirrhosis) should be Tilidin-ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg taken not, as it can get mg loss of effect of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16. Talk to your doctor in this case.

special care when taking tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg is required

mg before any abuse of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 by drug addicts is urgently warned!

For opiate addicts, who take as a substitute for opiates such as morphine or heroin, the drug abuse in high income levels, triggers tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg of acute withdrawal symptoms or strengthen existing Withdrawal symptoms.

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg is not suitable for detoxification treatment!


tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg should not be used in children and adolescents under 18 years, since there is no experience.

Taking tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg with other drugs

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other medicines or have recently taken any medicines, even if it is without a prescription. mg

Concomitant administration of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 and alcohol or Depressants, there is a mutual reinforcement and extension of the effects on the central nervous system.

For further application on the central nervous system damping acting drugs in individual cases, inhibition of respiration may occur.

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg should not be taken with other pain relievers that act in the same manner as Tilidine (opioids), because the interaction through mutual influence can be estimated.

In some cases, patients who received tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg and duration of treatment with warfarin (blood clotting drugs) were a Quick drop in the value observed. Therefore, the control of the prothrombin time in the beginning and the end of treatment with tilidine be ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg closely in order to adjust the dose of warfarin accordingly.

Please note that this information might also apply to recently of a drug.

Taking tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg with food and drinks

Concomitant use with alcohol should not take place.

pregnancy and lactation

Ask around before taking any medicine your doctor or pharmacist Council

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg during pregnancy should be given only after strict risk-benefit assessment, as no experience in humans.

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg during lactation should be given only after strict risk-benefit assessment, as no experience in humans.

Is breast-feeding, treatment absolutely necessary, should not be stopped.

drive and use machines

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg may affect the attention and responsiveness. You can then in an unexpected and sudden Events quickly enough, and not specifically to respond. Do not drive car or other vehicles! Do not work without a secure grip! A stronger effect is likely to occur in the beginning of treatment, dose increase, change, and preparations in combination with alcohol or taking sedatives. They may not engage in such activities only if it allows you to express your physician. Discuss with your doctor whether and under what conditions you can drive, for example, car.

third What is tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg to take?

Take tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg exactly as directed of a physician. Please check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

If your doctor prescribes otherwise, the usual dose is

Tilidin-ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg, particularly for the treatment of chronic pain. The dose is determined by the physician for each patient individually.

The daily dose, depending on pain severity and individual response to treatment, between 100 mg and a maximum of 600 mg (based on tilidine) lie.

The usual starting dose is 100 mg 2 times daily tilidine. It should be a time lag of 12 hours maintained between the revenue be.
If you have not taken any opioid, will decrease your doctor if the initial dose to 2 times daily 50 mg tilidine.

Is the pain treatment with 2-times daily 100 mg tilidine not enough, your doctor will gradually increase the dosage up to a dose that achieves adequate pain control with tolerable side effects.

tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg is suitable for a daily dose of 400 mg (based on tilidine).

adults take 2 times a day 1 release tablet tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg (equivalent to 400 mg per day tilidine) a.

other dosages are required to stand for tilidine ratiopharm plus 50 mg / 4 mg, tilidine ratiopharm plus 100 mg / 8 mg and tilidine ratiopharm plus 150 mg/12 mg as other thicknesses. All tablet strengths may be combined if necessary.

Note: These recommended dosages are
guidelines. In individual cases, to treat very severe pain to exceed the maximum dose and shortening the interval of income are necessary.

dose in renal impairment

Renal impairment does not require dose modification.

dosage in elderly patients

dosage adjustment in elderly patients is not necessary.

type of application

The release tablets are without food swallowed whole with liquid.
The release tablets should not be divided, since this reduces the delayed release of the active ingredients is no longer guaranteed.

Take tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg determined by your doctor after the fixed time schedule (eg morning at 8:00 in the evening at 20.00 clock and clock).

duration of application

The duration of use is determined by your doctor.

principle If the small amount of analgesic administration can be selected.
experience in long-term therapy are documented in some cases, for a period of more than 2 years.
to MG after protracted administration of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 the drug should not be discontinued abruptly. The dose reduction should be gradual as directed by your doctor.

Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have the impression that the effect of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg is too strong or too weak. should

If you take more of tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg than you

If you make an Single dose of tilidine take ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg twice, this can lead to increased side effects described in the phenomena.

comes after taking it much too high drug amounts to dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, ataxia (failure in the ordered sequence of movements), restlessness and increased reflexes. For very large overdose can cause a reduction of breathing occur.

you call if they experience these symptoms the next available physician to help!

possible treatment measures are the primary removal of the drug by gastric lavage, administration Resorptionsverminderung by coal, Circuit stabilization by electrolyte infusions and improvement of respiratory function by oxygen inhalations and controlled ventilation. At excitatory symptoms diazepam intravenously in the usual dosage. As an antidote, naloxone, intravenous (eg 0.4 mg) were administered.

If you forget to take tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg

Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

If you miss a dose, this leads to inadequate or lack of pain relief. You can make up the tablets, when the next regular income provided in more than 8 hours was. Then you can keep the original revenue plan.
If the period until the next dose less than 8 hours, remove the release tablet too, but shifts the revenue plan now. Please talk about the next steps with your doctor. Basically, you should tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg to take no more frequently than every 8 hours.

If you stop taking tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg cancel

interrupt treatment without first consulting your doctor.

If you have further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

4th What Possible side effects?

Like all medicines, have tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg side effects, although not everybody gets them.

The assessment of adverse events following frequencies are used:

very common: often more than 1 in 10
: sometimes less than 1 to 10, but more than 1 in 100
: less seldom as 1 to 100, but more than 1 in 1000
: less than 1 to 1000, but more than 1 in 10,000
very rare less than 1 in 10,000, or unknown

able to start treatment very often experience nausea and vomiting that occur with further treatment, only occasionally to frequently.

occasionally connect to, dizziness, fatigue and dizziness. About diarrhea, nonspecific abdominal pain, increased sweating and headache were reported.

To counteract effects of this kind is recommended that the patient - as is common in severe pain - no physical strain and undergoes lie down if they experience dizziness.

impairment of the hematopoietic system, kidney or liver functions tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg have not been observed.


If unpleasant side effects, your doctor will discuss with you which countermeasures exist for this and whether other drugs get the treatment in question.

please inform your doctor or pharmacist if any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet.

5th What is tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg to store?

medicines away from children.

the medicine after the on given the carton and the blister packs expiration date no longer use. The expiry date refers to the last day of the month.

not store above 30 ° C.

6th For more information

What tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg contains

The active ingredients are tilidine hemihydrate and naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate.

Each sustained release tablet contains 205.82 mg tilidine hemihydrate equivalent to 200 mg and 17.6 mg tilidine naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate equivalent to 16 mg naloxone hydrochloride.

The other ingredients are:
hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, Magnesium stearate (Ph.Eur.), Titanium dioxide (E171), macrogol 400th

How tilidine ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 mg looks like and contents of the pack

oblong, biconvex, white tablets.

Tilidin mg-ratiopharm plus 200 mg/16 available in packs of 20, 50 and 100 tablets.

Pharmaceutical company

ratiopharm GmbH Graf-Arco-Str. 3
89079 Ulm


Merckle GmbH Ludwig-Merckle-Str
. 3
89143 Blaubeuren

This leaflet was last revised in May 2007

Snorting With Mouth Shut

soap recipe soy milk soap


I was busy and I have 3 new soaps boiled (CP).
Here is the recipe for soy milk soap

You need:

- 500 g coconut oil
- 500 g Shea Butter
- 100 g: cocoa butter, avocado oil (refined), vanilla oil (macerate in almond oil), aloe vera oil (macerate in sesame oil), Rose Oil (organic rose petals macerate in Wild Rose Oil = rose hip oil)
- 450 soy Me g (self-made 1:2)
- BB 9% NaOH recalculate (your own)
- fragrance oil 10 ml or ÄÖ

The soap is stirred cold .


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best Painkiller For Knee Surgery

African Black Soap / Dudu Osun soap

I have black soap (or soap Dudu Osun African black) overnight. Great stuff even if not become soooo black ( Next time surely really nice black) . I've used no dyes and unscented soap left.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Great Songs To Dance To For A Talent Show

tonic Raspberry Neroli

I Gesichswasser made.

The recipe:
- 10 g raspberry concentrate (95% ethanol, but no one notices them)
- 1 g salicylic acid
- 39 g Neroliwasser


Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Is The Price Of The Bmw Gina

FOR - Seat Part IV / The Brave Little Tailor

So, now it is scraping the barrel. need the padding to be made to measure for the new seats. I of course do the same. First I bought myself in these kinds foam foam padding and then cut exactly at home in the right form. The picture shows the seat 50mm foam. The seat and back cushion, it is now to sew the fabric covers.

from the fabric store I have a few meters of a durable and graukarrierten Stoffs und Nähfaden gekauft. Auf dem Bild die Papierschablone mit den Massen für die Rückenpolsterung. Benötigt werden zwei solche Teile, dazu ein 5cm breiter Streifen für die Seiten.

Und jetzt ging's los... Mit einer über 60-jährigen BERNINA-Nähmaschine meiner Mutter habe ich die verschiedenen Stoffteile rückseitig zusammengenäht. Was für eine Arbeit für mich! Nach einigen Übungsversuchen klappte es dann doch noch. Na ja, das Nähen ist nicht so mein Ding. Aber was sein muss - muss sein.

Detailaufnahme: Ecke eines feriges Polsters. Die Farbe passt recht gut zum 737er-Interieur. Mit dem Ergebnis bin ich schlussendlich doch mehr als zufrieden.  

Rechts das Rückenpolster, links das Sitzpolster mit Ausschnitt für die Lenksäule für den FO-Sitz. Die Überzüge wurden unten mit je mit einem Klettverschluss verschlossen. Die Montage auf the seat is then also with Velcro. Thus, the padding if necessary be easily removed again. I am looking forward to the preparation of the PIC unit. First, however, to cool the machine again. On the nerves of the 'brave little tailor "has been somewhat strained and need a short rest ...