Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Car Dvd Headrest Calgary

Cucumber-care gel make myself (super simple recipe)

the recipe for cucumber and care gel with hyaluronic acid:
Man stirred: - 30 g Gurkenextrakt ( 50% Gurke in Glycerin)
- 1 Msp. Hyaluron ( Pulver)

zu einem Gel . Fertig !

Das Ergebnis : die Haut fühlt sich  schön glatt aber zuerst  irgendwie glitschig an, deshalb  eher für normale oder  trockene Haut geeignet .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Words For Death Anniversary

recipe strawberry washing foam for hands and face

Halle meine Lieben !

I wash strawberry foam did, and I like it very well: cleans gently but thoroughly (also removes make-up), and especially smells very fresh "erdbeerig. I used

- 53 g strawberry juice (fresh)
- 25 g strawberry concentrate (strawberry extract in ethanol 99%, also important for conservation)
- 10 g hot water
- 10 g betaine
- 2 g Allantoin

Los geht’s :
Alle Zutaten in eine Flasche geben   ,gut schütteln ,  fertig !

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Small Claims Email Agree

recipe Bubble Milk Bath

Man braucht :
- 50 g Milchpulver
- 20 g Urea
- 20 g SLSA
- 5 g Allantoin
- evtl. Kosmetikpigment
- 2 Päckchen Vanillezucker
- evtl. Parfum
- 1/2 Vanillestange

Here we go:
Mix all ingredients and store airtight. The amount is enough for about 2 full baths.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Make Shemagh Scarf

recipe bee soap with lots of propolis and royal jelly

the recipe for a wonderful Propolisseife with Royal Jelly:

You need:
- 500 g coconut oil
- 100 g: shea butter, cocoa butter, almond oil, mango butter, hazelnut oil
- 50 g beeswax
- 10% NaOH overgreasing
- distilled water
- 200 g Propolispulver
- 5 tbsp honey acacia
- 2 tablespoons of royal jelly
- possibly perfume

the soap is stirred cold.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Carrier Size For Westie

recipe Bath Cupcake cream and raspberry sauce

schon wieder Badeleckereien gerührt .

Rezept "Cupcake Zitrone" :
- 30 g Natron
- 15 g Zitronensäure
- 15 g Milchpulver
- 2 EL Bio Zitonenschalen -Pulver
- 1 EL Reisöl
- 1 EL ätherisches Zitronenöl

Rezept " Sahne ":
- 20 g Natron

- 10 g Zitronensäure
- 10 g milk powder
- 10 g cocoa butter
- 5 g Mulsifan
- 1 teaspoon fragrance oil Double Cream

recipe "raspberry"

- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter
- 1 teaspoon shea butter
- a little Mulsifan
- a little cosmetic pigment red
- 1 teaspoon raspberry flavoring food

procedure as usual.
And as always: DO NOT EAT!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ezio Hidden Blade Design

recipe bath ball "coconut"

You need:
- 50 g soda
- 20 grams of vitamin C powder
- 10 g of coconut milk ( powder)
- 10 g SLSA
- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter (powder)
- maybe a little cosmetic pigment
- 1 tablespoon oil tea seeds (= Camelliaöl)
- 30 Tr. Parfümöl  Kokosnuss

Los geht's:

A vermischen.
B verrühren .
A+ B und Bomben formen , fest werden lassen, fertig !


Creative Birthday Facebook Titles

recipe Vanilla Fluff "- body butter recipe


gestern abend frisch gerührt ( für das Weltbunte Wanderpaket)  : Milchbad „Vanillezucker“ ,“ Vanilla Fluff“ Körperbutter , Porenverfeinernde Make-up Unterlage , Duschöl sehr mild und „ birnig „ , hihi, ich meine mit Birne beduftet , Körperpeeling Honey& Sugar , und Lip Mousse Zitrone .

Heute früh habe ich noch Kokosnuss -Badekugeln gemacht , doch die waren aber noch zu weich um verschickt werden zu können… Eigentlich Schade, weil ich mir so viel Mühe gegeben habe und die duften so lecker dass ich am liebsten alle aufessen würde …

So und nun das Rezept für Vanilla Fluff :

- 25 g Bio Sheabutter
- 10 g Wildrosenöl
- 15 g Vanilleöl ( Bourbon Vanille Mazerat in Süßmandelöl)
- 2 g Süßwasserperlen-Pulver
- 1 g Vanille- Extrakt
- 2 g Vitamin E natürlich
- verziert mit Vanilleschote

wird wie Shea-Mousse gemacht .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baby Phlegms Breathing Difficult

Schöne Spielerei für PSE

Soeben auf dem Coffeeshop- Blog von Rita entdeckt und gleich mal gespielt :)
Eine wunderbare .psd Vorlage, mit der man spielend leicht perfekt passende Farbfelder für sein Foto zaubern kann. Lieben Dank an Rita für das ColorBar.psd Template (und natürlich auch für die anderen großartigen Dinge auf ihrem Blog) !

Achtung- Suchtgefahr!

Und hier noch eines nachgereicht...


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Bath Cupcakes / Spa muffin recipe

I made cupcakes, oh, the smell sooo yummy .... I guess when I look at the ...

The recipe:

recipe muffin yellow:
- 30 g soda
- 20 g citric acid
- 10 g milk powder
- 10 g avocado oil
- a little vanilla food flavoring
- a little vanilla absolue
- a little yellow mineral pigment

Topping Recipe:
- 40 g sodium
- 30 g citric acid
- 10 g milk
- 10 g tapioca flour
- 20 g cocoa butter
- 10 g Mulsifan
- 10 g avocado oil
- the 20TR. Food Flavor: strawberry, mango, cherry, cream
- a little vitamin E
- a little aloe vera powder
- a little honey powder

proceed as usual.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday Sayings For 3rd Invitation Sayings

recipe spring shower gel

You need:
- 160 g of wheat grass juice
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
- a little d-panthenol
- a little xanthan
- 20 g alcohol mind.70% solution (preservative) + 30 Tr. ÄÖ lime
- 20 g Facetensid

Here we go:
all ingredients in the order mix, done!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Do Bari Jay Dresses Run Small?

What will win you?

Hello my friends!

Soon it is as far as 250 regular readers! I would then align your a Blog Candy, and would already know what to nice touch for you? Soap, bombs, bath salts, shower gel, lipstick, lip gloss, bath balls, face cream, Abschminkmilch, swimming soap, shower scrub, salt scrub, shea / coconut cream, face lotion, face wash gel, Dudu-Osun soap, gave birth to Massa, bath melts, bath candy, shampoo, Shampoobar, solid mud, bath oil, body powder, or ....?
I'm looking forward to your comments!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is It Okay To Eat Old Chicken Broth

pink lips must kiss man


the recipe for pink lipstick:

You need:

- 1 g beeswax
- 0.5 g jojoba
- 0.5 g of carnauba wax and candelilla (. Possibly without carnauba wax if it is to be softer)

- 2 g of castor oil
- per 1 g: pomegranate seed oil and Camelliaöl

- ½ -1 teaspoon pink mineral pigment, dissolved in 2 g of castor oil
- a little vitamin E
- a little d-panthenol
- a little Squalane

scented with a few drops of honey absolue (or food flavoring as desired)

Here we go:
A melt.
B, add, stir, then add all remaining ingredients.
Still warm in cool water and let the lipstick tubes. Done!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Can I Buy Heart Boxers

Steampunk Abzeichen

yeah, after a long long time, there finally being a contribution on "Steam Punk". I want to show you how I made a steampunk term badge.
First I have to work the embroidery machine and embroidered
your subject to a residual wool.

Then carefully cut out, leave a border of wool ...

... frayed edge of the protruding strong.

Beautiful Fusselfransen: I)

On the back of the badge then I ironed fusible web,

... the backing removed and the whole thing on a piece of Nitrogen ironed.
By the way, the stuff of my jacket Steampunk is.

The knitted fabric edge was a bit frayed. Now I only have the brooch pins
be sutured and you have a variable action using steam supply.

tip for all who do not have embroidery machine: Copy the desired image to print and iron on transfer film on fabric. Great shots (and this embroidery) can be found at Urban Threads.


Required Muscle Percentage


Vielleicht habt Ihr mitbekommen, dass das Diskettenlaufwerk meiner Stickmaschine gezickt hat. Nun surrt es glücklicherweise ja wieder und ich hoffe, das hält noch eine Weile an...
Zu Besuch bei Urban Thread , musste ich heute dann breit grinsen- da gibt es nämlich bis zum  27.02. noch folgendes Freebie
  Ich denke, das Motiv lasse ich mein Maschinchen dann mal für sich selber sticken ;)


Opalescence Whitening Expiration


... ist es draußen nicht- aber hier tummeln sich "grüne Botschaften".
Die Tasche ist ein "Tütenmüllvermeidungsbeutel" aus Baumwolldekostoff in frischen Grüntönen, gefüttert mit schwarzem Leinen. Perfekt für den Gang zur Bücherei, kleine Einkäufe etc.. Er ist ein Geschenk für jemanden, von dem ich weiß, dass er so richtiges Knallgrün mag - und schwarz ;)


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Wenn es draußen klirrend kalt ist, ist es drinnen more comfortable ...


Monday, February 21, 2011

Beads To Fit Troll Bracelet

Armrest FO-Side

On the weekend I modifziert the left arm rest on FO-based and subjected to a 737 finish: In the picture the cut arm rest. It identified the white-bearing core of hard plastic. The right front axle for mounting bolts. The foam-rubber-like filler, and the black jacket made of gray plastic could be easily removed.

from spruce wood, a new contact surface was milled (80x428x15mm). Corners and edges rounded. Including a 4mm thick white Fliess as padding with cut corners zur Einfassung. Unter dem Fliess schwarzes Kunstleder (hier ist die Rückseite zu sehen) mit 40mm Überhang auf allen Seiten zur Einfassung.

Die fertige Armstütze von der Seite: Oben die Auflage mit Polsterung aus schwarzem Kunstleder. Darunter eine4mm dicke graue Abdeckplatte.  Diese ist wiederum fest mit dem schwarz gespritzen Traggestell verschraubt

right the left arm rest on the FO-seat. These can be folded up (as in original). This is recommended primarily for Takeoff and Approach, so that free access to the Throttle is guaranteed. In cruise flight, the arm can then be placed on demand comfortably on the armrest folded down.

Leopard Gecko Crusty Abscess

soap recipe "Creme de Cafe recipe

belongings once again made new Seifchen ( floating soap ) ... with coffee, and caffeine and guarana .... ohhh, I need coffee to be properly monitored, the weather sucks and makes me soooo tired .....
So, the recipe:
soap coffee:
- 200 g coconut oil
- 100 g coffee butter
- 100 g mango butter
- 200 g sunflower oil
- 10% NaOH overgreasing
- least. Water
- 3 tablespoons coffee (soluble)
- 2 tablespoons Guarana
- 2 tbsp caffeine
- Grocery Aroma Coffee

recipe "froth"
- 100 g coconut oil
- 100 g almond oil
- 10% NaOH overgreasing

- distilled water
- food flavoring and vanilla milk

recipe "chocolate sauce"
- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter
- a little Mulsifan
- a little guarana
- Grocery Aroma Coffee
- Cocoa powder

decorated with coffee beans.

(pictures as always bad ... sorry ...)

Busted Capillaries In Breast


I wish you a great start to the week!
Today there is a detail photo of a beautiful bouquet, which is in my living room. If it is not out yet is green, a touch of spring indoors doing just fine ... And buttercups are always magical (even if I by name always has to smile and word similarity to "boils" simply does not get out of my head). There
Nähbilder unfortunately no new-I've tinkered a cozy hat, already worn, but still is not scanned.
