Friday, March 4, 2011

Carrier Size For Westie

recipe Bath Cupcake cream and raspberry sauce

schon wieder Badeleckereien gerührt .

Rezept "Cupcake Zitrone" :
- 30 g Natron
- 15 g Zitronensäure
- 15 g Milchpulver
- 2 EL Bio Zitonenschalen -Pulver
- 1 EL Reisöl
- 1 EL ätherisches Zitronenöl

Rezept " Sahne ":
- 20 g Natron

- 10 g Zitronensäure
- 10 g milk powder
- 10 g cocoa butter
- 5 g Mulsifan
- 1 teaspoon fragrance oil Double Cream

recipe "raspberry"

- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter
- 1 teaspoon shea butter
- a little Mulsifan
- a little cosmetic pigment red
- 1 teaspoon raspberry flavoring food

procedure as usual.
And as always: DO NOT EAT!



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