Monday, January 31, 2011

Can I Use Tempeh Bought As Starter

The Winner is .....

.... ELENA!


I would like to thank everyone who participated , very much.


Why Does Tiffany Granath Call Her Husband Gay.

And another award!

I got my third Award been awarded, from Lalelu . Many LOVE you!

The rules:

first Makes a post about this award, in which you would like to thank the man who has given you this award, and it links in this post.
second 7 things about yourself you told
third Give the award to (15) other bloggers.
4th Contacted this blogger and let them know that they have received the award

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bulma Vegeta Doushinji English

Fast times their paws warm ....

Outside there is now again become colder. Oh, I can no longer winter sehen....
Meine Katze wärmt sich nun auch  öftermal  die Pfoten ....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do You Congratulate Someone Who Just Had A Baby

FO-Seat / Part III


The construction work on the FO-seat go on the base frame of solid wood construction was carried out up to a height of 42cm above ground. . This is followed by the assembly of the Seat plate. The seat can be pushed through the rail system to the front and rear as before. The boarding easier in tight cockpit: seat back, boarding, seat forward until the steering column - as in Originabetrieb


The FO-seat from the front: the seat cushion I've cut from 5 cm thick foam to size. The green seat cushion is firmer than the yellow cushions. Then there is another layer of gray 2cm thick convoluted foam. The cushions are sewn at a later stage in cloth covers and fix the seat mounted.
front seat at the edge of the incision can be seen for the steering column.

Der Sitz von der Seite: An der Rückwand der Sitzlehne der neue Aufbau, gefertigt aus 8mm MDF gestrichen in RAL 9011. Der Abschluss oben ist in schwarzem Kunstleder gefertigt. Der Sitz steht in der Originalstellung. Die Lenksäule fährt beim Hochziehen in den dafür vorgesehene Ausschnitt an der Sitz-Vorderkante.

Seitenansicht: Der Sitz wird demnächst noch rundherum verschalt und mit dem benötigten Equipment ausgerüstet. Gut zu erkennen die Mechanik zur Verstellung der Rückenlehne sowie das Schienensystem für die Vor- und Rückwärtsverstellung. Nun I'm still on the seat looking for a suitable 5-point.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Which Fruit Is Good For Phlegm

FO-Seat / Part II

After a short break we finally continue with the conversion of FO-seat:
After attaching the back and back cover ready the pages in order for the covers embedded could be. The parentheses innwendig stop strips were glued. Between the wooden structures, the steel frame (yet) visible. Links below the steel device for attaching the retractable arm rest left. This was previously removed and experiences at the appropriate time a separate finish ...

Der FO-Sitz von der rechten Seite aus gesehen:
Die Seitenwände sind eingepasst und montiert.
Das Ganze sieht so natürlich noch etwas nackt und sperrig aus. Das wird sich aber bald ändern.

Die rechte Seite wurde mit einem Watte-Fliess überzogen and festgetackert. In then follows the coating of gray leather.

The FO-seat from the front to the coating of both sides with leather: was covered only the later-in intelligent part of the seat. On the back is made later to the still visible MDF board the new back upholstery using an 8mm thick foam, which are designed to measure must
Detail. Condyle on the left side of the seat with a finished trim with gray leather . The devil is in the details, as always. A lot of work for a small part.
Der FO-Sitz von hinten: Der mittlere Teil des Sitzes wird demnächst mit einem weiteren Aufbau ausgerüstet, so wie im Original. Darin wird ein Boddy-Shaker verstaut. Von den beiden schwarzen Streifen und dem sichtbaren Holzteil in der Mitte wird später nichts mehr zu sehen sein. Weiter werden die Abschlussarbeiten an der Oberseite der Sitzlehne unter Miteinbezug der Kopfstütze folgen. Diese wird auch modifiziert und mit einem 737er-Look ausgerüstet. Sobald diese Arbeiten abgeschlossend sind, wird die Sitzfläche ausgearbeitet. Polstermontage und Bau des Untergestells erfolgen ganz am Schluss. Also, bis später wieder, bald geht's weiter...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chevy With Xd Rockstar Wheels

FO-Seat / start conversion work


The two used in the cockpit seats are known, from a passenger car CHRYSLER VOYAGER LE. I bought this at the very beginning of the project on the car crash for little money. Although the seats are extremely comfortable and fit in some degree in color in the SIM, but not quite yet. The seats are on a slightly too wide, on the other hand, the YOKE column can only pull up to the edge of the seat and not, as in the original, in the space provided incision in the front seat edge. After I was concerned, the mass of the original 737-seat cockpit, I compared the data (seat width, height adjustment mechanism, etc.) with available seats. After several Ausmessarbeiten turned out that the basic frames of the existing approved car seats approximately 737 with the original mass of the match! So I decided to convert the seats to them in future to miss a worthy 737-look.

is first converted into the FOR seat. First I removed all the padding, the seat is now an insight into the mechanics Gundstruktur and then on this skeleton. der neue Sitz in den 737-Massen aufgebaut.  

Auch die alte Unterbaukonstruktion wurde komplett demontiert. Auf dem Bild der graue original-Zwischenaufsatz, welcher nicht mehr gebraucht wird und ins Altmetall wandert. Durch die Eliminierung dieses Teils wird die eigentliche Sitzkonstuktion um einiges schmäler. Dadurch bleibt mir mehr Spielraum für die Gestaltung der neuen Sitzverankerung. 

The underbody of the seat was mounted directly on the base. possible to see the first construction work in wood, followed later the new seat plate is screwed. It was noted that the mechanism works well to remember the slide to move the seat. This is some renovation and modification work needed on the frame itself. But in the end everything fit together again, as I had imagined.

The FO-seat from the back seen: Well visible are incorporated in the back crossbar of wood to attach the new casing. On the back of the seat back from 10mm MDF in the shell can be seen. The support points were placed so that the backrest has a slight curvature to the inside. Later, the seat back is attached, on which the remaining structure is fixed. Next is the all-cladding of the seat. Since much is still waiting for a carpenter working on me.

the very end is the construction of the new seat cushions in foam for Seats and backrests. Let's see if I can find there a good fairy to sew the covers ... I've since been an idea ...

See you later, wish all readers a good start into the new week ...