After nearly 3-month delivery period, the two yokes ordered the company Aircraft Controls Engineering (ACE) arrived. One each for the CAPTAIN-SIDE (PIC) and FIRST-OFIC-SIDE (FOR). The two 737-pedestal came from Canada, packed in solid wooden boxes. The quality of the product is outstanding! Top-execution, in all respects. Made of aluminum and other high quality materials. Mounted on a steel plate for fixation on the cockpit floor. brought to life the YOKE with a USB port.
The two yokes are easily installed in the flight deck and connected to the Flusi computer. The configuration of the individual switches and buttons as usual like FSUIPC. DVB stations correctly mussten die Zuweisungen in den entsprechenden Controllern im Flusi deaktiviert werden, um Funktion-Doppelbelegungen zu vermeiden. Zum Schluss wurden die Steuerung des Höhen- und Seiterruder via FSUIPC neu kalibriert und eingestellt... und ab ging's in den siebten Himmel...
Das Feeling ist perfekt! Die Zugkraft der beiden Achsen fühlt sich wie im Original an. Kein Vergleich mit dem ehemaligen SAITEK-Flugsteuerhorn, obwohl dieses bis gestern unsere HB-W266 auch unzählige Male sicher auf die Pistenschwelle führte. In der Mitte des Steuerhorns das nützliche Clipboard mit den wichtigsten Sequenzen der einzelnen Flugphasen mit gelben Punkt zur Markierung.
-- Der in Hongkong gelegene Flughafen Kai Tak, berüchtigt wegen seines komplizierten Anfluges und den meistens vorherrschenden schweren Winden, war einer der am schwierigsten anzufliegenden Flugplätze der Welt. Er war Basis der Fluggesellschaften Cathay Pacific, Air Hong Kong, Hong Kong Airways and Dragonair, and belonged to its closing on 6 July 1998 the busiest airports in the world.
Although the former does not exist in Hong Kong Kai Tak Intl Airport for over 12 years, he belongs in the Flusianern certainly still the most popular approaches. The IGS 13 approach is flown manually. Just before the final a 70-degree right-hander is on view to the runway threshold. Even with a slight cross wind beads of sweat on the forehead are the standard program.
HONG KONG INT. AIRPORT KAY TAK Instrument Approach Chart with Instrument Guidance System (IGS) on RWY 13
On the video of the final approach at night with a light cross wind
anniversary! More than 50,000 visitors on
Since the launch of our blog in the spring of 2009, 50,000 visitors have already visited our site. But the team would like to thank our project with his loyal fan base and is looking forward even more to the many-keeping suggestions and compliments for our B737-800NG Cockpit Home from around the world.
As a small reward, we have flown a short Sunday flight from Zurich to Geneva for you. Recorded with our HD recorder.